In 1987, Haemorrhage Cassettes was founded in Guelph, Ontario, Canada by musicians Richard Feren and Nick James. Inspired by US record label Ralph Records, Richard and Nick started releasing original and unusual music recorded on 4-track cassettes, initially for their band Restless Natives, and eventually for a variety of associated acts. Ultimately around 40 cassettes were released between 1987 and 1993. Besides the Restless Natives, other Haemorrhage artists included: Love Camp 7, Castration Without Anaesthesia, A Very Persistent Dwarf, The Hand Men, Cathode Ray Mission, Wigglepig, Scum Of The Earth, Generic People Anonymous, and Collateral Damage. Several solo tapes by Richard Feren and Nick James were also released. Most cassettes were either 60 or 90 minutes in length, and were shipped via mail order, and sold in local record shops. Recently, some of the catalogue has been digitized, remastered, and made available on Bandcamp.


The first entity on Haemorrhage Cassettes was Restless Natives, featuring co-founders Richard Feren and Nick James. Inspired by legendary San Francisco cyberpunk band Chrome, along with Van Der Graaf Generator, Slayer, and The Residents, they began writing and recording primitive songs using guitar, viola, an assortment of effects pedals, a piano, and various household objects for percussion. Eventually they started to add drum machines, electric bass, synths, and other devices. Ultimately around 6 full-length cassettes were released: On Toast/In A Pusbag, Afterlife Inc., Phlegm de la Phlegm (compilation of best tracks from the first 2 tapes), Unorthodox Sexual Practices, Disco Surgery, and Not In This Universe. Restless Natives disbanded in 1992, after Feren moved back to Toronto and started a career in theatrical sound design, while James went to university to become a math expert and programmer. Some of the cassettes are now available on Bandcamp.


in 1988, Richard Feren began recording a side project of primarily synth-based music under the name A Very Persistent Dwarf. Two titles were released in 1989: Scent Of A Saint, and the more industrial-flavoured Moebius Mirror. Both are now available on Bandcamp.


Richard Feren and Nick James collaborated on a guitar-centred side project in 1990-91, Love Camp 7. Named after a notorious 1960s exploitation film, this demented neo-psychedelic act drew inspiration from Syd Barrett, Sonic Youth, the films of John Waters, and the folk-rock trends of the late 1980s. Described as “the Spinal Tap of neo-psychedelica”, Love Camp 7 featured jangly, layered guitars, primitive drum machines, and sick-humoured nonsense rhymes. A general content warning is advised. Two cassettes were released: Groovy Head Injuries (1990) and Kill The Mimes (1991), both available on Bandcamp.


In 1990, Feren and James embarked on another side project with a more industrial feel, and exploring early models of digital samplers. Cathode Ray Mission took its name from the David Cronenberg film Videodrome (a favourite at Haemorrhage HQ), and was musically inspired by old-school industrial acts like Coil, Nurse With Wound, Non, and Cabaret Voltaire. It also featured literary references to the works of Wilhelm Reich, Charles Manson, William S. Burroughs and Brion Gysin. There were 3 cassettes released by Cathode Ray Mission, though only the first, The Emotional Plague of Mankind, remained in the catalogue, and is now available on Bandcamp.